What is a cable Luber?

Used to inject lubricant into cable housing. Works on most control cables with 5mm to 10mm O.D housing. Clamps over housing and wire allowing an aerosol can to be connected. Once lube runs out the far end, the cable is lubricated.

What can I use to lube my clutch cable?

A silicone spray will do nicely. Avoid general or multipurpose lubricants or any unrelated oils, like motor oil. Do not use chain lube for your cables. Cleaning and lubricating your throttle cables will help the cables last longer while preventing fraying or snapping.

Do new motorcycle cables need to be lubricated?

Most replacement cables are sold without any lubrication, it is critical for their proper function and long service life that cables are properly lubricated. First thing you have to do is remove the cables from your bike. Always refer to the factory service manual for your model motorcycle for these procedures.

Can I use WD-40 on clutch cable?

Choosing The Correct Lubricant Some cables have a slick inner sheath that will gum up if exposed to solvents or harsh chemicals, so do NOT use WD-40 or any other type of penetrating oil. Regular motor oil works great if you don’t have an appropriate aerosol product.

Can I use chain lube for clutch cable?

Do not use chain lube on cables. For quick work on the cables, nothing beats a pressure cable luber from accessory companies like Motion Pro. Basically, you clamp a rubber stopper over one end of the cable, insert a tube from a can of silicone-based cable lubricant into a little hole, and give the nozzle a squeeze.

Can you use wd40 on throttle cables?

How do you lubricate a motorcycle clutch cable?

How To Lubricate Your Motorcycle’s Cables

  1. Remove The Cables From The Bike.
  2. Choosing The Correct Lubricant.
  3. Create A Funnel.
  4. Spray The Lubricant In The Funnel.
  5. Reinstall And Adjust Cables.
  6. Skip All Of The Steps By Using A Cable Lubricator.

Can I use wd40 to lube clutch cable?

Can I use regular motor oil to clean my cables?

Regular motor oil works great if you don’t have an appropriate aerosol product. If you want to do it the right way, we suggest a product that is formulated for cables. This is the old-school way to do it! Cut a hole in the corner of a small plastic bag and push the cable through the hole.

How do you Lube a motorcycle cable?

Add some lube to the funnel (about a tablespoon) and hold the cable vertically so that gravity can pull the lubricant down into the housing. Work the inner wire up and down to help move the lube along. Once the lower end of the wire gets wet, you’re done. Remove your funnel, wipe down the cable, and reinstall it on the bike.

Why are my motorcycle control cables sticky?

If your bike’s clutch, throttle, or brakes are feeling sticky, it’s likely time to give them some TLC. Lubricating your control cables is easy and it helps prolong the life of the parts. There are two ways that we will show you how to lube your motorcycle’s cables.

How do you Lube a power steering cable with aerosol?

Because the lubricant is aerosolized, you want it to go down the cable, not spray all over it. Add some lube to the funnel (about a tablespoon) and hold the cable vertically so that gravity can pull the lubricant down into the housing.