Can I use the UKAS logo?

If you are an UKAS accredited organisation you may use the symbols on: Certificates and reports relating to those activities covered under your UKAS accreditation. Any unaccredited results or information contained in the certificate or report must be clearly disclaimed.

What is UKAS logo?

National Accreditation Logo – the logo used by UKAS (the UK national accreditation body) to identify itself. National Accreditation Symbols – the symbol(s) issued by UKAS for use by a UKAS accredited organisation to indicate its accredited status.

Is UKAS same as ISO?

ISO will review standards and issue updates, and write new standards where there is a need. It sits right at the top. If ISO write the rules, it is UKAS who oversees them at the highest level in the UK. UKAS is the sole national accreditation body for the UK and is recognised by government.

What does UKAS stand for?

The United Kingdom Accreditation Service
The United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) is the United Kingdom’s sole national accreditation body.

How do I verify a UKAS certificate?

If the certification body claims to hold UKAS accreditation then this can be checked and confirmed by using the search function in the ‘Who’s Accredited’ page of the UKAS website.

Why is UKAS accredited?

Why should your organisation become accredited? UKAS accreditation underpins the UK and global quality infrastructure with our independence and expertise, creating trust and confidence in the products and services we all rely upon. Our aim is that everything that should be underpinned by accreditation, is.

Why is UKAS important?

UKAS accreditation underpins the UK and global quality infrastructure with our independence and expertise, creating trust and confidence in the products and services we all rely upon. Our aim is that everything that should be underpinned by accreditation, is. because of the opportunities and benefits it brings.

How long does a UKAS certificate last?

UKAS accreditation is granted for a 4-year period. During this time, accreditation is continually monitored by UKAS and renewed in the fourth year following a full reassessment. The expiry date on the platform is the date by which the renewal of accreditation must be granted following a reassessment.

Is UKAS mandatory?

UKAS is the sole NAB for undertaking mandatory and voluntary accreditation in the UK.

How long is a UKAS certificate valid?