Is Nevada Virtual Academy accredited?

Nevada Virtual Academy is accredited by Cognia, formerly AdvancEd. As with all schools that receive accreditation from Cognia, applicant schools are required to host an initial team visit. Then the school completes a self-study process and hosts a second visiting team, which reviews and validates the self-study.

Is Nevada learning Academy accredited?

NVLA is an accredited, public school serving grades 6-12 with course offerings in Honors, Advanced Placement, Career Pathways, and Dual Enrollment.

Is Nevada Virtual Academy part of CCSD?

As technology evolved so did distance education and, in 2013, we became the Nevada Learning Academy at CCSD (NVLA). NVLA merges distance education and digital education.

Is K12 accredited in Nevada?

Nevada Virtual Academy uses the K12 curriculum to offer Nevada students in 6th through 12th grade an exceptional education. Our school provides students throughout Nevada with: Award-winning curriculum.

How long is online school a day?

One of the many advantages of online schools is that they will require less time from you compared to traditional schools. But then again, it is highly dependent on the online school that you or your child is enrolled in. On average, students spend four hours online.

Is online school free in Nevada?

Online schools in Nevada powered by K12 are tuition-free* and offer engaging curriculum in core subjects, as well as elective courses, taught by Nevada-licensed teachers. Students follow a traditional school year, attend live online sessions with their teacher and peers, and complete both on- and offline assignments.

How many students attend Nevada Learning Academy?

Overview of Nevada Learning Academy at Ccsd Nevada Learning Academy at Ccsd is a public school located in Las Vegas, NV, which is in a mid-size city setting. The student population of Nevada Learning Academy at Ccsd is 219 and the school serves 6-12.

How do I homeschool my child in Nevada?

In order to legally homeschool your child in Nevada you must comply with the following:

  1. File a Notice of Intent to homeschool.
  2. Include educational plan.
  3. Teach the required subjects.
  4. Choose your homeschool curriculum (curriculum choice is up to the parent)
  5. Begin enjoying learning together!

Is K12 free in Nevada?

Do you get homework in online school?

Answer: In most online schools, your child will receive weekly assignments that are due by a specified day of the week. It will be up to your child to be responsible for completing each of these assignments on time.

Is Connections Academy available in Nevada?

Nevada Connections Academy is a tuition-free, online public school available to students throughout the state. Our highly-engaging curriculum, specially trained teachers and collaborative community reignite a love of learning and motivate and engage students to succeed.