What is relevance equation in LimeSurvey?

Relevance equation This function is the successor of conditions and supports much more complex conditional logic. Syntax Highlighting. Whenever you save the relevance equation, it is evaluated and syntax-highlighted. Any errors will be color coded so that you can quickly detect and fix them.

What does NAOK mean in LimeSurvey?

code – the selected response code for the question if it is relevant (otherwise blank), or the text value if it is not a coded question. . NAOK – same as . code, but can be part of calculations or lists even if irrelevant.

How do you add a Subquestion in LimeSurvey?

How to Add LimeSurvey Subquestions

  1. To add subquestions, simply go to the top toolbar and click Edit subquestions.
  2. To add another subquestion, click the green plus sign located under the Action column to the right of the subquestion field.
  3. Once you have added your desired subquestions, click Save or Save and close.

How add JavaScript to LimeSurvey?

To use JavaScript within LimeSurvey, the XSS filter must be turned off and the code inserted in the source of a question or a group description. Go to Global settings –> Security and set “Filter HTML for XSS” to “Off”.

How do I edit a question on Limesurvey?

Edit question: To edit the question text or other question-related attributes, click the green pencil.

What is token length LimeSurvey?

Set token length to Usually, the default value of 15 (max. supported value: 35) digits does not need to be changed. However, if you wish to change this setting, please enter a number (X) which is greater than 5. If the number entered is smaller than 5, it will be converted to the default value of 15.

How do I share a survey on LimeSurvey?

Under Survey properties –> Survey permissions, you can add users for the survey and assign them various permissions. Solutions, code and workarounds presented in these forums are given without any warranty, implied or otherwise. The topic has been locked. First of all, thanks for your response.

How do I reactivate my survey on LimeSurvey?

Yes, you can make the survey accessible again by simply modifying or removing the Expiry date. Data will be unaffected. Solutions, code and workarounds presented in these forums are given without any warranty, implied or otherwise. The topic has been locked.

How do I edit a LimeSurvey question?

To find out more about the available LimeSurvey question types, please continue reading the following wiki section. To start adding answers and subquestions, click on the question you wish to edit and look for the edit answer(or subquestion) button:

How to increase the complexity of my answer/subquestion text?

HTML Editor:Click on the green pencil button to increase the complexity of your answer/subquestion text (e.g., you can add images, videos, and so on). Relevance equation:Only for subquestion (Y-axis)This field allow you to set a relevance using ExpressionScript Actions:Two actions are available:

How do I know if a question is relevant in survey?

If the value of the relevance equation is “1” or “true”, the question is “relevant” in the survey context, i.e. it is shown to the survey participant. If not, the question is hidden. Any survey question allows you to specify a relevance equation.

How do I add answers and subquestions to a question?

To start adding answers and subquestions, click on the question you wish to edit and look for the edit answer(or subquestion) button: When adding an answer you have to assign each answer/subquestion a code(which can be used for ExpressionScript relevance equations, for example) and you have to enter the answer/subquestion text.